
4 Common Drain-Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

Most homeowners have experienced the inconvenience and hassle of a drain clog at some point in their lives. Sometimes, a drain will unclog itself naturally; however, in many cases, it becomes necessary to take aggressive action against a clogged drain in order to avoid long-term problems. If you're dealing with drain problems at your home, however, here are some common mistakes you'll want to be careful to avoid. Relying Too Heavily on Chemicals

4 Tips For Hauling Your Trash To The Dump For The First Time

When you move to a rural area, you will more than likely have to haul your own garbage to the local dump because garbage companies do not typically travel to these areas. Knowing how to properly haul your garbage can be a bit difficult if you have never done it before. Use the guide that follows to learn a few tips to know when hauling trash to the dump when you move to the country.

2 Additional Signs, Other Than Plumbing, That Your Septic Tank Is Failing

When your septic system is having issues, you may not even notice a problem with the plumbing inside your home. For this reason, it is important to know two additional signs that can help you discover an issue with your septic system before it fails. 1. Effluent in Your Yard When effluent, also known as liquid waste, flows from your septic tank and into your yard, this can be the start of a major issue.

Septic Tank Installation FAQs: A Guide For Homeowners With A Deteriorating Steel Tank

While modern septic tanks made of steel or fiberglass have a life expectancy that could easily last 40 years or more depending on variable factors, a steel tank could start to see deterioration in as little as 15 to 20 years. If you are living in a home that is showing signs of septic tank deterioration, you will be facing the task of replacing your outdated tank and it should be done quickly to prevent soil contamination.

Should Your HOA Ditch Individual Cans For A Neighborhood Dumpster?

The morning that many people dread is the morning that the trash collection comes by. Dump trucks picking up and putting down cans makes a lot of noise as it moves from house to house in the neighborhood. Depending on the neighborhood, this can happen up to two times a week, which can cause a lot of morning angst. It can also limit parking in the neighborhood on trash day, especially if the streets are narrow.